Bimetal thermometer

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Bimetal thermometer


Bimetal thermometer

Brief introduction

Bimetal thermometer is suitable for field detection of medium and low temperature. It can directly measure the temperature of liquid, gas and steam. It has no harm, clear indication, strong and vibration resistant. All instruments are made of stainless steel, with good waterproof and corrosion resistance. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile, food and other industries. It can directly measure the temperature of liquid vapor and gas medium in the range of - 80 ~ + 500 ℃ in various production processes.


Technical specification

Bimetallic thermometer is based on the bimetallic sheet wound into a circular bending shape. When one end is heated and expanded, it will drive the pointer to rotate, and the working instrument will display the temperature value corresponding to the thermal potential.

Nominal diameter of dial: 60, 100, 150

Accuracy: 1.0, 1.5

Thermal response time: ≤ 40s

Protection IP55

Angle adjustment error: the angle adjustment error shall not exceed 1.0% of its range

Deviation: the deviation shall not be more than the j-pair value of the basic error limit.



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